Fish Are Dieing Like Crazy! Help


New Member
Aug 15, 2016
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I'm fairly new at fish keeping, but I've read a lot about the do's and dont's. A week ago I done a 30% water change and after filling the tank back up I lost my red tail shark the following day. Just 2 days ago (Saturday) I did another water change and that night I lost a gourami and yesterday one on my platy's died and then today when I got home from work my cory catfish is dieing. All fish have come to the top of the water as if their not getting enough air. I have a 75 gallon tank with 6 live plants and one of the long air stones and 2 filters. Please help!!!
Yes I did add conditioner...the only other thing I did between the first and second water change is I put some plant food in the tank.
Sounds like a tough situation, I'm honestly not sure what could have happened. Can we get some tank parameters?
Nitrite is 0 nitrate is 10 and ammonia is close to is 6.5
Have you changed your filter media recently? I was just wondering if it could have been an ammonia spike?!
When you add the water conditioner how much did you add and what are the bottles instructions? Same question for the plant fertilizer. Also what is the brand for the conditioner and fertilizer.

Most water conditioners and fertilizers are safe when dosed correctly. However if you put in too much it can become toxic. Some manufactures tell you to use the bottle cap to measure the amount. I would not use the bottle cap to measure the amount. Instead I would get syringe to accurately measure the amount.
it may not even be in the water conditioner, but in the water itself. Yes, I often keep the water in the room for a few days at first, and only then I let the fish in there - in the already infused water, not in fresh water, just from the tap!

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