First Time Betta Breeding


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2011
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I got a 10 gallon aquarium for 3 male bettas(separated) and they have been in the tank for about 3 months now. Today I decided to get four females. I placed one female for each male. Two of the males had a little bubble nest on top which I thought meant was mating time. One of the females destroyed a bubble nest. The other one was attacked and the third one just chilled with the male so I left her there and they have been doing fine for about 45 minutes now and then he started attacking her. Now I placed the four females in their cups looking at the males. What can I do to ensure success in mating? Please help!
First, you cannot breed them in a tank like that. You need a 10 gallon tank for each spawn, not shared.

Second, the male and female need to be conditioned for a week before you add them together. And after you add the female, she needs a safe spot to hide where the male cannot get to her. Most people recommend a glass chimney.

When it's time to breed, the female's role is very limited. She should be present only for the breeding, and when the male starts to chase her away she needs to be removed from the tank right away so she won't get injured or start eating the eggs.

Having a few false starts is very common; this breed of fish is a bit tricky to work with when it comes to breeding :p

This is a fantastic website for bettas with several pages on how to breed them and raise fry: Betta Talk
Please, please read up on Breeding Betta's before you attempt it! There are plenty of topics on here to help you out, You cannot just place the female in with the male and hope they breed... You need to condition both adults separately on high quality foods for 2 weeks at least before either will be ready... Please just read up before attempting it, it's not easy.

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