First Test Kits And Results


Fish Addict
Dec 1, 2013
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So I finally got my own test kit.  Wow, hurting my pocket.  But it seems worth it, so I would like some help to make sure everything is alright.
PH 7.6
Ammonia 0-.25ppm  (it was an in between color)
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 40ppm
I have guppies and neon tetras. 
I recently added 5 small cherry shrimp and a TON of plants (live).  Don't the plants affect the nitrate? Anyways, any help is wanted and needed! :) 
Did you do a high pH test as well? Ammonia should be at 0. Have you tested your tap water? What dechlorinator are you using? How did you cycle the tank?
Yeah, it's says 7.6 you might have just missed it. Ammonia is close to zero. It was slightly green, but not much. My tank dechlorinator is Jungle: start right. I did a fish in cycle. This was before I knew about cycling.
What I meant by the high pH test is 7.6 is the max of the pH. So it's good to do a high pH test to see if it's really that or something higher. Sounds like you checked though :) Sorry
Did you add more fish recently?
I added five small shrimp so that could be the ammonia, but I doubt it. Are the nitrates way too high?
Did you test your tap for nitrates? I think most people aim for no more than 20ppm more than what comes out of their tap. 40 is fine though.
Ok, no I didn't test the tap. But as long as 40 is ok then I will just let it do it's thing. I added more plants yesterday and the day before. They lower nitrates right?
Yes though some are better at it than others. Like dwarf water lettuce and hornwort would be better than anubias. You still need to do water changes though.

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