First Readings


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Loch Lomond
Ive had my tank for 6 days now. So Ive just got the API test kit and tested the water. as follows.

PH high range : 7.4

Ammonia : 0.25 ppm

Nitrite : 0 ppm

Nitrate : 10 ppm

Is this alright? Ive used the gravel that came with the second hand tank and filled it up with tap water. Ive only added one bit of solution to the water called Fresh start by interpet.

At first Im thinking of getting 2 plecs 4/5 silver sharks, shrimps, barbs, mollies and tetras and a betta.
How big a tank do you have? Plecs and silver sharks get pretty big. Like, size of a man hand big, and quite quickly too.
its a 5ft long 2 ft high and 2 ft width estimated it hold 540 litres.

This is the one I used on an earlier topic. Ive now moved the heater inside the filter and Ive added an airstone to the tank, also got some blue LED lights that I turn on at night and it looks really good only thing that annoys me is that it came with unwanted pesky snails, hopefully my assassins snails will help control them when I get them.

It says on the kit that it can take up to 6 to 8 weeks for a cycle. Im not adding any ammonia to the tank, do I have to add anything to it? Im not really in a rush to get any fish at the moment. So it can take its time if it wants to.
That would be why your levels are so balanced there is no ammonia to start the cycle
If you are doing a fishless cycle the check out the pinned threads for info and get yourself some ammonia.

Chances are the trace readings for ammonia are from decaying matter on the old gravel and the nitrates may be from your tap water.

It's always a good idea to test your water from the tap so that you know your baseline readings ;)
Thanks I went to Boots to see if they had any Ammonia and they didnt, does you know where else I could get some from? Thanks
I think Boots have stopped selling it in their shops as it can be use for certain illegal purposes. You used to be able to get it from their website and delivered to your local shop but I couldn't find it just now. Homebase is where a lot of people get it from. Or see if any local diy shops sell it - mine stocked Jeyes kleen off household ammonia (that doesn't say on the bottle, but I emailed them to ask and it contains just ammonia at 9.5%). Failing that, try ebay or amazon.
Thanks I went to Boots to see if they had any Ammonia and they didnt, does you know where else I could get some from? Thanks

Homebase...quicker as probably cheaper than amazon. Its called 'Household Ammonia' I got mine there two weeks ago so its definitely being sold still!
That depends on the volume of your tank and the strength of the ammonia solution. Initially you need to add ammonia to give a tank reading of 5ppm. There is a calcuator in the bar at the top of the page. Down at the bottom of the page you'll find the ammonia calculator. It's already set with 5ppm and 9.5% (the most common strength) so all you need to do is fill in the tank volume. Wait half an hour after adding the ammonia for it to mix in thoroughly then check that the tank reading is 5ppm. Then follow this

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