First Plants, Hardy And Algae Eaters

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stackem evs

Fish Fanatic
Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score
Woking, Surrey, England
Hi, been having a look through the plant section for first plants, lot of useful and interesting posts there. Bit confused with contradicting reports and names.

Currently fishless cycling, looking for plants that are hardy (still high ammonia), and fast growing (to stop algae starting).

Current thoughts are:

Amazon Sword,
Wisteria - Hygrophila Difformis - Hygrophila specias in general,
Lugwigia species,
Rotala species.

Any recommendations as to first plants into the tank (want well planted in the end), and preferably in a name I would know...... And probably be listed as in my lfs.

Are you using high lighting levels of light and CO2?

The likes of Ludwigia, Rotala and Wisteria will make excellent, fast growing plants to outstrip algae, and they will break down the Ammonia for you no problem, but this will require heavy planting (cover 75% of your substrate).
Are you using high lighting levels of light and CO2?

The likes of Ludwigia, Rotala and Wisteria will make excellent, fast growing plants to outstrip algae, and they will break down the Ammonia for you no problem, but this will require heavy planting (cover 75% of your substrate).
I don't know what the level of lighting is classed as. The hood has two tubes, a brighter white one at the front, with a slightly dimmer yellow one at the back.

Quick explanation of CO2? requirements please. Only just learnt the nitrate cycle this week...
Ammonia Level still high, hasn't dropped down yet, but thinking how early can put plants in to help set the tank up correctly. Like the idea of highly planted. Not sure about 75% though, sounds hell of a lot.

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