First Comet Babie


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
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hi all just thought i would put up a quick hello and let you all no that my red comet platy has had her first batch of babie 24 in all 24 suvivors. they are 3 weeks old now in a seperate tank all doing well. i have a veturious mickey mouse that is due any day now and my comet looks likes shes gona go again soon again as well. this is my first tank of livebearers ive gone eight month or so with nothing and now im getting a torent of babies.
but this is why i got them lol anyway you will have heared this a thousand time i guess but thanks for looking and taking the time to read
Good luck, your first fry are always exciting, but you will be having them every 28/30 days or so
Good luck, your first fry are always exciting, but you will be having them every 28/30 days or so
im looking to get a third tank to be honest with you. somthing large 5ft or so just so i can keep a few of them. but i am well pleased with what ive got so far.
Welcome to the forum! Drops are always so exciting, and there's cute fry to boot! :fun: I've got a platy in a breeder net myself at the moment, should drop any time now!

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