Fire Eel Growth Rate


New Member
Oct 22, 2012
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Hi all,

i have recently set up a new 75 gallon tank and have made it home to a young Tiger Oscar 2.5" and a young Fire Ees 6" as well as an 8" Sailfin Plec.

I got the Oscar and Fire Eel as juviniles because i have had both of these fish before but as adults and now wish to raise them from youngsters.

I would like to know if anybody has had experience with these two fish and their growth rates as now i fear that the Oscar is going to grow so fast that one day the Eel will be his lunch. At the sizes they are now will they sustain a good relationship as they mature or will they start to become hostile in a few months.

At the moment they get along really well and are both feeding very well on frozen bloodworm and occasionally pellets and live brine shrimp.

Hope to have some feedback from those of you who have kept and raised these fish.


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