Fire Bellied Toad

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You can't get like me
May 18, 2008
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Gravette Arkansas
I am going to be getting some fire bellied toads. I am curious if two males will fight. I will have no expirence sexing them, and two will be in a 10 gallon with some water. Does anyone know about them fighting?

Also, I will be feeding them earthworms that I will get from my back yard. Could I feed them crickets I find in my back yard also?
They won't fight if they are the same size and added together. Feeding earthworms and crickets from the garden gives the risks of adding parasites and weedkiller/bug killer/harmful fertilisers to the tank. You should research cultivating your own earthworms and crickets so that you can control what they are exposed to.
They won't fight if they are the same size and added together. Feeding earthworms and crickets from the garden gives the risks of adding parasites and weedkiller/bug killer/harmful fertilisers to the tank. You should research cultivating your own earthworms and crickets so that you can control what they are exposed to.

I thought about that. Thank you for making that clear. I think I will try to feed them freeze dried crickets by hand. Does anyone have any expirence doing this? If so, it would help.
I have a breeding trio of firebelly's. They never fight, ever. They need live food as they count on their sight ( being able to see it wiggle/move ) in order to distinguish it as food. You can buy tubs of live food online cheaply, and also you should be able to purchase tubs of live food from any good reptile shop. Mine love crickets(although they are noisy if you keep them in your bedroom) also waxworms,mealworms,giant mealworms.
I am just going to keep a months supply of live crickets at once. Do they make noise? I will be keeping them in one of those storage tuba. About 100 at a time... How much noise do they make? And is there a way to stop the noise.
They make a sort of chirping noise! You can get a variety of cricket that doesnt make the noise..
Try youtubing crickets chirping, that'll give you an idea!
Its not overly noisy, but if you can insolate them in some way thats good!
My mom said that I could put them in the basement. Now I am not worried a bit about the crickets, or the toads! I can not wait to set up the tank.
Since I am keeping the crickets for a month, do you happen to know what size the toads like their crickets at? I read crickets grow fast, but I want to know what size to buy them at so they can grow some, but not get too huge that the toads refuse them. So what size do the toads like?
Depends on the mood of the toad!! They do grow quick, so try and buy a mixed size tub of them. Feed the largest ones first and by the time you have to feed the smallest they will have grown!
Depends on the mood of the toad!! They do grow quick, so try and buy a mixed size tub of them. Feed the largest ones first and by the time you have to feed the smallest they will have grown!

I thought of that, but no where on the net I can find any one who says what size they like the best. I need to know so I know what size of the smaller ones to buy so when they grow they will be the correct size.
2-3 week olds are normal food for pubescent (sexually active but not adult sized ;) I think that choice of word is quite profound) toads and fed 2 per feeding. Some people just release a selection every 2-3 days into the tank so that the frogs can decide which to eat but this gives a high risk of the frogs becoming obese if you do it the first couple of times however you will find which are too large for the frogs to eat.
Thank you guys for your help on this topic but not everyone on this forum has expirence with these animals, so I am going to an actual reptile forum for these animals. Please don't take it offensively.

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