Finally Moving Home!

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Nov 26, 2013
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After 3 long months, I will be moving back into my newly renovated castle in a fortnight. Yay!
I have 2 tanks:
A 130l containing 13 Harlequin Rasboras, 3 BN Pleco's (I will be re-homing one as soon as they grow enough to sex), and a stack of mystery snails.
A 200l containing 5 Head and Taillight Tetras, 5 Crimson Spotted Rainbowfish, 12 Cherry Barbs and 1 BN Pleco (and a few mystery snails).
My suggested plan for the move back (having spent a whole day for each tank in the first move) is:
Starve the fish for a couple of days.
Shift the fish and snails from the 130l to the 200l.
Break down the 130l, move it, redecorate and refill it.
Shift all the fish from the 200l to the 130l.
(perhaps overnight depending on how low the sun is in the sky)
Break down the 200l, move it, redecorate and refill it.
Move the original contents of the 200l from the 130l so everything is back where it started.
Give them a treat so they still love me.

I'll be keeping the filter media wet during the move and taking all care to get the temperature in the tanks back to the level it's currently sitting at, so I think I'm doing the safest thing I can. It's about half an hour's drive between my temporary accommodation and my original house. I figured it's probably just as stressful on the fish to leave them in bags for the several hours it takes to move the tanks as it would be to shift them from tank to tank, so I thought this was a better way.  The tank parameters are almost identical by the way.
Does this sound like a suitable plan? I don't think anything will eat anything else, so I'm not concerned about carnage - should I be? I also figure that 1 day of overstocking shouldn't cause too many issues.
That sounds a lot like I would do if I'd had community fish during my last move. Haha. If you could, I'd add an airstone to the tanks while they are overstocked just in case. You could also move over both the filters to the occupied tank while you set up the other. I don't know if the extra air would make a real difference, but every time I've used extra air stones after a move, the fish seem to perk up faster. 
Thanks atti.  Can't move the filter from the 130l unfortunately (it's built into the lid) but I will definitely get the airstones cranked up in both tanks during the switch (I have one in each set to low, so I'll set them to high for the couple of days).
Fingers crossed... I'll let you know how I got on. In the first move I only lost one male Cherry Barb, so I was reasonably pleased that the rest made it safely.
Well, the 200l is in place and full of water and plants. Unfortunately due to tiredness I forgot to take most of the necessities back (like a siphon) so after fruitlessly chasing fish for 20 minutes I gave up. So bringing the 130l tank and the livestock today.
Yay! Not only am I back home, but I haven't lost a fish. All livestock where it belongs, and it went out today and got some Endlers for the 130l, and fulfilled a lifetime (25 year) dream to get some Neon Tetras. The fish that got me hooked on the hobby, and I now have a dozen.

Hooray! So glad that everyone's settling in nicely. Moving fish can be stressful but I would much rather move my stock than sell and start over (which has been suggested to me every time I move). Your neons look nice and colorful. They look healthy. :)

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