Final Stocking Achieved.


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2013
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so ive finally got my final stocking for my 33g. it is as follows.
6 chocolate gouramis
5 licorice gouramis
5 clown killie fish
6 ember tetra
4 cardinal tetra
1 bn plec.
its taken me over 16 months to where im happy but that's fish keeping for you. lol. was a bit gung ho jumping into these delicate fish but after 12 months of relative success im confident I can keep them happy. the only additions to this set up will be an external filter unit and some more floating plants. the only other thing that will change is that the cardinals will move into my next project which will be a 55g community. the next step is to hopefully get some fry from either species. the chocolates do spawn on a regular basis but the female never goes full term. im hoping in this more relaxed environment she will. it would be great to get some from the licorice as well. they've come on leaps and bounds since I removed all the faster swimming fish. they are more boisterous and are exploring all levels of the tank. I can sit and watch them for hours they really are fascinating little fish. here are a few pics hope you like them.

Might mention, cardinals are happier in groups of 6+ so a couple more cardinal tetras would be cool.
Am not too good at stocking numbers/capacity but someone, no doubt, will tell you if this is good stocking or overstocked.
Nice tank BTW 
thanks ch4rlie. like I said the cardinals will be moving on within the next month or two into a larger shoal. mrs is getting me 55g for xmas. ( spoiled I know lol.). and well aware that some folk might look at this stock level as over stocked. but after a lot discussion with my lfs and the fact that aside from the bn plec ( which is only juvenile at the moment and may also move into the new tank.) non of the fish will get bigger than two inches and with the addition of the over filtration and my strict maintenance regime everything should be fine.

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