Fin Rot


Mostly New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Hi everybody, when I checked my betta earlier i noticed that he has torn his back fin a bit, he is fine in himself and eating well, the edges of his fins were it his torn looks a bit frayed but no black edges, would it be best to treat for finrot to be on the safe side or would you see how it goes, don't know what's happened because he is on his own with live and 1 silk plant and an ornament and a betta floating log with no sharp edges so don't know how he has done it,I have had him a month now, any advice would be appreciated, I am quite attached to him
just to be on the safe side, remove carbon and treat with metaflex. it'll also help heal is fin quicker then leaving it on its own.
Thanks for replys, will get some metaflex and treat him
I paid $50 for my halfmoon mustard gas fighter fish and he grew very sick to the point where he had almost completely lost his finnage. Because I was new to fish keeping and didnt really know what I was doing I researched up on fighter fish and the cycling process and everything and I just managed to save the poor guy before he died. I treated him with multicure from aqua master and he has now fully regrown all of his beautiful fins again and is as happy as can be.

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