Fin Rot? Or Something Else? Photo Att

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2013
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I noticed the tiniest white mark on my fish this morning and when I got home from work practically all his tail is covered.. Is this fin rot? If so will melafix work? If so... Will it hurt other fish, pregnant fish and cycled tank? Does it really spread this fast? Will I lose him? :0(


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Im no expert so please wait for someone to come along with more experience than me but it could possibly be the Ich parasite, if the white spots resemble salt and the fish has lost its appetite it might well be Ich and if it is you can pick a treatment up at your LFS and if you can you should move the fish and any others that become infected to a quarantine tank and treat them there. Keep us updated on your progress! :)
It's more of a cloudy white mark than spots...and the fin is breaking up a little...he is eating and swimming ok.

Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40

I have just done a 60% water change because of the higher ammonia and nitrate
It sounds like fin rot and fungus. IME, Melafix never worked (although I haven't used it in years). eSHa 2000 has always been the most reliable antibacterial that I have tried. The ammonia is unlikely to be helping, so keep up keeping it down.
Hello, I need help diagnosing what my betta may have!

Tank size: 5g
Water change every 7-10 days
Temp 75-80 (heater)
Lots of plant for hiding

My betta was always really active and moving for the first month or so I had it but now it's fins are clamped together and it just stays at the top and doesn't move much. There is a little bit of white under its mouth not much at all and it's not spots it's a little patch. I bought betta fix today and am going to try that. Any other suggestions? Also will betta fix be harmfully to the tank mates?

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