fin nippers


Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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Is there anything I can do to stop fin nipping? I have two beautiful angels and I dont want to get rid of any of them, but one keeps chasing the other, and then his tail will suddenly be shredded

every time it heals, it gets bitten again

what can i do??
What size tank? What else is in the tank?

Angels are normally not aggressive towards one another unless you have a breeding pair, or young angels that are in the process of pairing up, in which case they will beat the heck out of each other. In a large enough tank, the fish have enough room to hide from each other, so there's less damage.
they are both young

the tanks 20 gallons and they are with 4 platies a common plec and 2 clown loach BUT the common plec and loach are going back

there are places to hide, sometimes the angel will go for the platies too, and its not at feeding time, its completely random..

maybe its cos he's a bigger fish than the other, i dont know :dunno:
I'd guess that it is territory related--a 20 isn't really large enough for 2 adult angels. As adults, they can be up to 10 inches top to bottom, and that will be pretty crowded. The aggression will probably only get worse as they age--sorry, but I would really get rid of one of them, or move to a larger setup.
god it not fair ...they are both so beautiful how can i decide

i didnt even get a choice as to what fish to b/f just went and got them..had i been given a choice i would have only got one

i am worried if i give one back, it will end up going to some bratty kid, who will treat it like s*** and it will die
at least i look after it

then again i guess my decision will be made for me if one kills the other

how do i make sure it goes to a good home?? :/ anyone want an
How bout you just get a divider and split the tank in 2.
can you do that??

i didnt know

what about the other fish though they wouldnt have too much room

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