

New Member
Dec 7, 2010
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Hi all,

I was wondering if I could ask for some advice on filtration in my cichlids tank.

I have a 410 litre rectangular tank with two external filters attached to each end. I have an Aqua One 1250, (suitable for aquariums from 300 - 600 litres) and a EFX 400 (suitable for 400 litres filtration). The water is always really clear and the tank looks good, but I seem to get a lot of fish poo settling on the gravel and it looks quite unsightly. I often hoover the gravel but was wondering if there is anything else I can do to help remove this?

The outlets for the filters are situated at the back of the tank in each far corner, is it worth investing in something to create more of a water movement? Would that help the poo to stop setting on the bottom. I was also looking at removing one of the filters and purchasing a Fluval FX5' would this be worth it?

I appreciate any feedback

Regards all,

yeah i would have said add a powerhead accross the front or something simular to help circulate in to the filters.
Add a bit of flow from one side, the poo wont do anything but collect in a particular spot. thus easier to remove or temporarily hide as it naturally degrades and disappears .

Your filtration seems adequate enough for sure,
Exactly what kind of fish are we talking? As Cichlids is a broad term and species preference should be considered.

Power-head maybe. Maybe a cheap hob for a waterfall effect and some polishing..
Or maybe even easier turn one of the 2 returns down so as to stir things up lower in the tank.

Play around with the set up a bit for flow and or arrangement of stones. Every tank is a bit different.
Fluval FX5.. hrmmm whats the stocking lvl? That's a good filter, DO you want it? not sure you need it just yet.
Not sure I have all the pertinent info to advise to or not the purchase really.

play with the flow.. I feel you will find a sweet spot and find your current set up adequate if all your seeing is a bit of poo and not a parameter crisis.

there I go thinking out loud again about things I cant see..

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