
Loopy Lynda

New Member
Mar 8, 2012
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I have a Fluval 205 filter on my 200 litre tropical tank. It somehow managed to stop working earlier today so I took it all apart, flushed it through & all is now ok :) However, I'm thinking this is probably a few years old (I bought it 2nd hand a few months ago) & may need replacing (do these things have a life span?). Question is - which filter is the best? And also, would a bigger filter do a better job? I'm thinking about a larger tank so am wondering if it would be wise to buy a bigger filter now to use later as well.
"best" is so subjective.
what would i use?
either an Fx5 or a 2080.

a good compromise might be the Tetra 2400.
Iv used loads of filters including a fluval fx5, 406, 405, 306, 205, an all ponds solutions EF2000+ and I'm now using 2 tetratec ex1200's. I use them on my 5 foot 450 litre and they are brilliant filters. I find them the best overall of all the filters iv used that I listed
I'm running an ex 1200 on a slightly bigger tank, despite suffering from some leaking issues, which was promptly dealt with by tetratec and their fantastic customer service team. I was using a fluval 305 in replacement for that whilst waiting for a brand new filter head, and once my ex1200 was back on the difference in clarity and overall particle suspension within the water was vast. They are brilliant filters with loads and loads of capacity for media and the flow rate is brilliant. Apart from a slight hiccup I think they are great. I'd say go as big as you can get without subjecting your fish to a minor tsunami.
I'm running an ex 1200 on a slightly bigger tank, despite suffering from some leaking issues, which was promptly dealt with by tetratec and their fantastic customer service team. I was using a fluval 305 in replacement for that whilst waiting for a brand new filter head, and once my ex1200 was back on the difference in clarity and overall particle suspension within the water was vast. They are brilliant filters with loads and loads of capacity for media and the flow rate is brilliant. Apart from a slight hiccup I think they are great. I'd say go as big as you can get without subjecting your fish to a minor tsunami.
This is very good advise :) as I said above, I love my ex1200's and my tank (450 litres) was even ok when I was running just the 1 ex1200 but obviously it is better flow wise with the 2.

I had the fx5 filter with the tank as the tank was purchased 2nd hand and they are not as powerful as a lot of people think. I just find them ridiculously big, horrible looking things which are overpriced. They are good but then they need to be to justify the price tag. I got my 2 ex1200's brand new and still cheaper than the price of 1 fx5 lol shocking
I'm glad we agree :) I have found them brilliant pieces of equipment and with a 40% water change every week it's keeps my tank spotless. I also placed a Tunze power head, only one of the mini ones to blow the detritus towards the intake. What with my Bolivian rams I want to ensure water quality is top notch, not that I care less for the others of course! But my ram called Peope is my baby lol.
Good luck with choosing a filter!
As you are thinking of upgrading your tank 2 x EX1200 would get my vote.
Thanks everyone - the vote appears unanimous! :)

You will get used to TetraTec winning the most votes, there are other filters out there that are just as good but value for money TetraTec wins IMO :good:
You will get used to TetraTec winning the most votes, there are other filters out there that are just as good but value for money TetraTec wins IMO
Agreed, I have always used Eheims but they are expensive (although I believe the price is justified which is why I use them)

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