Filters For 125 Litre Tank


New Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Ive just bought a 125 litre tank (switching from a 54l) and need a new filter but im not really an expert so im just wondering if anyone with abit more knowledge could recommend a filter that would do a good job?

Really kinda depends on your budget & what fish & substrate you have.
I just have regular gravel as a substrate, and budget wise 30 pounds but i can go ipto about 40. And currently i have a ruby shark and a female fighting fish in my tank but once ive switched im hoping to put in some neon tetras and maybe some cherry barbs.
I have an Eheim biopower in my 125 litre, I went for the 240 even though the 200 is the right quoted size. Lots of other people rate the Fluval U series.
Of course you could look at externals, but I don't know if they come within your budget - though you could look at second hand.
I agree about a second hand external canister style filter being the best bet but I don't know if that's available. Any good brand name, hang on back type should be fine for the fish they're planning to keep. You should get one rated for twice the volume of your tank though. If your tank is a 30 US gallon, get one rated for least 60. Added bonus if they have an adjustable spray bar & flow.
I too have a 125 litre tank. A Fluval U3 will do the job just fine. Just make sure you squash your filter media from your filter into it to boost the re-cycling process.

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