

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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i had to turn off my filter to clean it and i forgot to turn it back on. it was off for bout 10 hours. uvkily my fish are alright. but did the good bacteria die off or something? the filter was still in the tank(the inlet) but it was soaking up anywater
Some could have, might be wise to monitor/test your water for a few days just in case.
if the filter material was submersed in the tank water the entire time then you are fine for that amount of time....bacteria would only die if you let the filter media dry out
Bacteria do not need to dry out to die, they will die if left in still water. You should indeed be fine for that relatively small amount of time, just watch out for a potential ammonia/nitrate spike.
Some could have. Within the 10 hours did you feed your fish at all?
Never mind, its been a while now. Anyways it should be alright!

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