Filter Recommendations


Mostly New Member
Aug 9, 2013
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I'm after a filter for a new set up shortly and would like some recommendations. I'm after something similar spec as the fx5 but cheaper. I've come across some similar ones on eBay that even look like the fx5 for only $60 but there all in america. There must be somewhere in UK selling these surely
Try allpondsolutions as I think their very competitive priced.

They range 1000l/h (£50) to 2000l/h with uv Steriliser (£85)
Some with built in heaters too.

How well made they are I'm not sure. They Also have videos on YouTube.
I'm looking to get 1 soon

Their most expensive filter I think is £155 for

1610l/h with 4w uv Steriliser with built in 150w heater
I've got the 1000lph on a 180l tank.

I've put up a few posts about how disappointed I was, but after stopping it and re-priming it, the flow seems to have drastically increased, think I may have had some air trapped in there.

Really happy with it now :)
Oh great thanx. They also do 2000L/H for just £70. Anyone used this one before?
mattygreen86 said:
Oh great thanx. They also do 2000L/H for just £70. Anyone used this one before?
Good question as I'm seriously considering their 2000l/hr with uv steriliser £85

Have to admit that it dosnt look as good as the fx5 £200 amazon but for much less than half the price I might give it a go.
Did you check it out on YouTube?
Just ordered it £85 next day delivery (ordered before 1pm) DPD so will post pics and stuff tomorrow :)
Only worrie is if it fits in the unit lol
Just picked up the materials for my new tank today and decided on dimensions. Total volume will be 1440 litres. So I fink it's either gonna b two of these all pond solution filters but without the UV or one fx5.what do you guys fink I shud go for?
Hard to say as fx5 is a good name and well made, tried and tested,
However it works upto aquariums of 1500l so it's going to be working at its top end and any slightest reduction in flow rate may not clean your tank properly

Is there a fx6 that would be better?

Fx5 About £215
Pros :- well made
Good name
Looks as good as it cost
Cons:- expensive
Will be working at its top capability
1500l aquariums

X2 allpondsolutions 2000l/h about £140

Pros:- cheap alternative
Combined upto 2000l aquariums
If one breaks down still have one working
Double the good bacteria :)
Cons:- look cheap
Having 2x canisters and all that pipe work
Have to buy x2 media when replacing

Obviously there are more pros and cons to both but these are the basic thins to look at.

The fx6 on amazon cost £5 more than the fx5 and maintains aquariums upto 2130l. Is this an option?
Yeh but £30 postage then £30 customs fees. Could of bought an fx5 for that
It came this morning 9:30 which is brilliant as I only ordered it yesterday at 12:30pm. It fits under my unit thankfully , it's a beast lol
Water is very cloudy at the moment even thou I rinsed media so gonna give it a day or 2 to clear, hopfully my water will be crystal clear
It's almost crystal clear after a day. The only problem I've had is the flow rate is so high the outlet water was blowing my sand every where lol but after playing about with it I've managed to get it in position where it no longer kicks up.
Oh rite. Wouldn't the spray bar resolve that problem for you. So what kind of media does it come with. On the video it doesn't look like it comes with any course foam just fine wool

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