Filter Issues


New Member
Oct 16, 2012
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i did a water change today, after loosing a siamise fighter and 2 molies, it was due but id been ill. so disconected my Fluval 206 from my FISH POD 120, cleaned everything, pt it back together, now the bloody thing is surging, Makes a loud wooshing noise then stops for a few mins and does it again.
i had put a spay bar on but had to remove it as it was whistling when the filter surged.
any ideas folks, its doing my head in!!!!!!!!!!!!
That sounds like air buildup inside the filter. I do not use Fluvals, so I am not sure how to clear air out if that is the issue. My Eheims always work out any excess fast if I fail to get them totally filled before turning them back on.
Also, make sure something is not blocking the impeller causing it to stick and free up and stick etc.

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