Hi All, its been a long time since i have visited these forums! I couldnt remember my old email or password so i have set up a new account to ask a few questions!
I have "Inherited" a siamese fighter. My friend (Its owner) couldnt keep up with maintenance on the tiny 19L tank it had. I took the tank and fish, gave it a good clean out and after a couple of weeks decided to upgrade. Its new home is a 70L tank with sand, wood and live plants rather than the 19L with gravel, chunks of rock and plastic plants. My problem is the flow from the filter. In the 19l it had one of those HOB filters which was fine for 1 fish in a small tank and created no current.
The new filter is rated for 100-200L. I have added extra foam, reduced the output to minimum and added sponge to the spray bar to really slow it all down but i worry that its still too much. I would like to add a few small fish in with him that also like very little current. I have a few pics, please take a look and give me your opinions on wether this is too much flow and if it would be suitable for any more fish, i.e its slow flow but is it actually filtering anything!

I have "Inherited" a siamese fighter. My friend (Its owner) couldnt keep up with maintenance on the tiny 19L tank it had. I took the tank and fish, gave it a good clean out and after a couple of weeks decided to upgrade. Its new home is a 70L tank with sand, wood and live plants rather than the 19L with gravel, chunks of rock and plastic plants. My problem is the flow from the filter. In the 19l it had one of those HOB filters which was fine for 1 fish in a small tank and created no current.
The new filter is rated for 100-200L. I have added extra foam, reduced the output to minimum and added sponge to the spray bar to really slow it all down but i worry that its still too much. I would like to add a few small fish in with him that also like very little current. I have a few pics, please take a look and give me your opinions on wether this is too much flow and if it would be suitable for any more fish, i.e its slow flow but is it actually filtering anything!