Filter Flow For A Betta


Mostly New Member
Jan 23, 2016
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Hi All, its been a long time since i have visited these forums! I couldnt remember my old email or password so i have set up a new account to ask a few questions!
I have "Inherited" a siamese fighter. My friend (Its owner) couldnt keep up with maintenance on the tiny 19L tank it had. I took the tank and fish, gave it a good clean out and after a couple of weeks decided to upgrade. Its new home is a 70L tank with sand, wood and live plants rather than the 19L with gravel, chunks of rock and plastic plants. My problem is the flow from the filter. In the 19l it had one of those HOB filters which was fine for 1 fish in a small tank and created no current.
The new filter is rated for 100-200L. I have added extra foam, reduced the output to minimum and added sponge to the spray bar to really slow it all down but i worry that its still too much. I would like to add a few small fish in with him that also like very little current. I have a few pics, please take a look and give me your opinions on wether this is too much flow and if it would be suitable for any more fish, i.e its slow flow but is it actually filtering anything!


Nice looking tank!
Maybe you can attach the spray bar to the back glass with suction cups, and mount it vertically so the flow is along the back wall? Not sure if it would work, just an idea.
How strong is the flow?  As long as your betta is not being pushed around a little current is fine.
The flow looks pretty slow but I'd move the spray bar closer to the side of the tank so the current is diffused further.
Beautiful tank by the way, and a lovely red betta. 
As long as the surface isn't too choppy and like Nick said, as long as he's not being push around he'll be fine. You typically want to keep the surface somewhat still for when they need to come up and catch some air, and of course, their long fins will send them sailing off.
But for the most part, your water looks still enough. With my HOB filter, I have a cut out shield on the output using a water bottle to decrease the force of the flow. The water is somewhat still, but not too still to where the protein film starts forming on the surface. 
Heres a tip.
Drill extra holes in the spray bar, It will reduce the speed of the water as it exits the holes BUT not the volume of water, If your spray bar has 4 holes drill extra holes between the ones already there.
Thanks for all the replies!
NickAu said:
Heres a tip.
Drill extra holes in the spray bar, It will reduce the speed of the water as it exits the holes BUT not the volume of water, If your spray bar has 4 holes drill extra holes between the ones already there.
I did this and it worked a treat, now im unsure if there is enough current in the tank for the plants but it seems ok at the minute!
now im unsure if there is enough current in the tank for the plants but it seems ok at the minute!
Plants will be fine.

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