Fiddler Crabs - Need Help!


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
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I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 fiddler crabs - two male and one female, as well as three guppies, brackish water and all my levels are great. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my crabs...they are molting, growing and thriving.

My problem are these "blobs" (for lack of a better word) on the top of the tank and on the lid. They remind me of small curds of cottage cheese but pinkish in color. Almost like Apple Snail eggs but not in a big cluster...they are spread out all over.

At first there was just 5-6 of them, I cleaned them off, cleaned the tank as I usually do and left it at that. Last night I went to turn the light off and found almost 30. I have tried searching the internet - to no avail. I've even called my local pet stores, they have no clue. So here I am!

I need to find out what these things are...will they harm my crabs? how do I get rid of them????


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Sorry I can't really help, but you should probably try to post in a more general forum, such as the Tropical discussion. Looks like some kind of fungus to me... Strange it is OUTSIDE the tank?

Good luck!


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