Female Cory With A Sore

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Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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Hi everyone. One of my female peppered cories has got a sore just at the beginning of her tail. It not red or angry so it's not an ulcer it just looks like she's rubbed herself against something and some of the scales are missing - they're probably not but that's how it looks.
It's a pale pinky colour and it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. She's feeding and swimming normally. She's one of my older cories and may be around 4 years plus in age.
If this were one of my tetra's I'd catch them and give them a salt bath but cories can't tolerate salt and also catching a cory in a heavily planted tank is a no go area really. It will only cause unnecessary stress.
I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm not sure whether to treat the whole tank with something (although I'm not sure what because I don't know what this is) or whether to leave her be and just keep an eye on the sore and hope it heals itself
I was just looking for another mind over this ... to see what others think really. 
I do have Waterlife Octozin in stock and also their Sterazin which is for gill and body flukes. I also have another panda cory with a funny looking fin and some cloudy patches on her body but she's been like that since I had flukes on my tank last year (the reason I have a new bottle of Sterazin in stock that's been unopened) and she also seems absolutely fine. She never really got over the bad case of flukes and it left her with this swollen fin and the patches.
The flukes cleared up but I'm wondering if I should dose again given that these two cories have some marks
I'll try and see if they'll both let me photograph them later so you can see what I mean
Idk much about fish parasites, but in mammals, you usually have to treat more than once because you get the adult parasites, but then the eggs hatch out 2-3 weeks later and you are back where you started. So you have to kill off the new ones before they reproduce...but like I said, idk the life cycle of aquatic parasites.
it took a while to be rid of the flukes and I had to treat more than once - but then I'd read that flukes are difficult to get rid of and so I was prepared for one treatment not being enough. It's the reason I still have an un-opened bottle of treatment as I was prepared to run a 3rd course if I had to. Now they all seem well - except the cory that has the funny fin and the cloudy skin in places (as I said, she never recovered properly but she's spawning regularily and behaving normally so I'm guess they're just 'battle scars' and now the cory with the sore

photo's - she's the one at the back

Almost looks like a tumor?

One of my bettas got a "bruise" that looked like that from a scuffle. Any aggression?
the panda - I've been saying 'she' but I've just realised it's a male - doh!

He's still cloudy over his head but he's not getting any worse and nothing seems to be spreading to any other fish despite being in close contact 24 hours a day, which is why I've not treated again
And his poorly fin - which I think is more likely some kind of deformity

Hiya LyraGuppi - I've not seen any aggression but I've just spotted one of the new panda's that was born in the tank has a nick out of it's dorsal so now I'm wondering what's going on when the lights are out.
With the peppered female it almost looks like she's caught herself on something and it's trying to heal ... maybe this happened when my two male ancistrus were battling 2 weeks ago ... maybe she caught herself in her panic to hide and I've just not noticed until yesterday.
It's really difficult to tell and she can't tell me what happened. I'm more concerned with whether it's going to get any worse or whether it will heal on it's own. If we think it's not going to progress to anything worse then I'm inclined to leave it and just keep an eye on her
okay, thanks. I'll go and have a look :)
I've now spotted a neon tetra with two black spots on it's body - one under it's chin and one under it's belly. It's getting chased by the other fish - namely the palmeri tetra's. I'm beginning to wonder if they are the one's doing the damage. I seriously hope not cos I really like em but if I find they are the one's fin nipping cories and now damaging a neon they are gonna have to go
well I have to say I'm more than a bit upset that no-one has offered me any advice or help on this (except Lyraguppi - many thanks hun) especially given the amount of my time that I've given to the forum since coming back helping where ever I felt able.
I've now got some help and advice from my lfs on what this is and I've got the correct treatment to help heal her wound. 
Perhaps I need to rethink the amount of time I spend here ...

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