Female Bettas


Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Prescot, Merseyside, UK
Do female Betta's flare up? I've got a male betta and nine female betta's in one tank. There's no fighting in the tank, but I have noticed that one of the females has started to flare up at the other females.......I'm puzzled????
i've never seen a female flar
but they could
i do know that there are short tailed males although i have never sen them before :rolleyes:
Yes, female bettas do have the ability to perform the threat display.
they do it to show dominance.. like if another female comes into 'their territory' they will flare up and their gills will kinda come out like the males do
iloveyou said:
they do it to show dominance.. like if another female comes into 'their territory' they will flare up and their gills will kinda come out like the males do
ya learn somethin' new each day :clap:
A couple of my females will flare at each other on occasion. In fact I was trying to get the male to flare by the ol' mirror trick, and whilst he couldn't have cared less, one of the females was incensed by this new (and similar looking) lady she could see! :lol:
Yep, all my females would flare at each other, and the Male.

May they Rest In Peace
do they ever one of my 7 females does it all the time when i feed her she flares at it than jumps on it , its very cute.
one of my females flares at the other ALL THE TIME
well flareD... I seperated them.

I hold a mirror up sometimes though :lol:
i did that before too and she totally ignored it like it wasnt even there

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