Fell into extra cash!


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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I fell into some extra cash, literaly! I went out to ge t my mail today and i got the mail out of the box and tripped. I found $178 on the side of the road! I was like OMG and stuffed it in my pocket! I want a new tank really bad, like a 55g setup. Where could i find a good 55g set up or an awesome 40g cube tank?
I thought the cubes were on sale today at Petsmart when I was there.

If not, maybe checkout Scott's.
Wow, what a coincidence. I just dropped $178 today... while I was on... your road... in, uh, whatever your town was.

I'll be awaiting its prompt return.

feel sorry for hte guy that dropped it, i woudl shoot myself i just dropped $178 on the raod like that :p
Wow thats awesome. I don't think I could have kept that much money. My conscience would have eaten away at me. 20 bucks maybe. I know Iif I had lost that much I would have been going crazy
I once found 50 bucks beside the gutter but that's it. Damn you I'm so jealous. :p
BTW I don't think you can get a 40 to 50 gallon setup for 178 dollars... they are a bit more expensive than that. My own 46 gallon was over 200 and that was just tank and hood.
it depends where you go. My 29g set up was $80 - 90 from walmart but i want to see if i can get cheaper than their 168.99 55 gallon set up
you could most likely get a 55g if you bought used check your weekly buyorrent guide or newsgroups for good deals :)
Then again you could always do a scholorship to a poor canadian university students who is currently starving and can't find milk for a pot of KD.
Puffer_freak said:
From what I hear, WalMart is not good with fish?
HELLO we are talking about tanks not fish? Stay with us here.

Everyone know you go to walmart for Food, supplies, and equipment, not the actual fish! Keep up!

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