Hi All,
Does anyone turn their filter off when feeding your fishies? I have an external filter with a spray bar and 2 air stones. The only reason I'm asking is when I put the food in it goes all over the place and the rummy tetras and barbs seem fine getting food but the rasboras are a little too slow and don't seem to be getting as much as the others. I've browsed the net and noticed a few people have commented that they knock their filter off when feeding. I assume that it wouldn't do any harm to knock it off for 10 mins?
Does anyone turn their filter off when feeding your fishies? I have an external filter with a spray bar and 2 air stones. The only reason I'm asking is when I put the food in it goes all over the place and the rummy tetras and barbs seem fine getting food but the rasboras are a little too slow and don't seem to be getting as much as the others. I've browsed the net and noticed a few people have commented that they knock their filter off when feeding. I assume that it wouldn't do any harm to knock it off for 10 mins?