Feeding Problem


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2012
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I have been keeping fish for nearly 4 years now with minimal mishaps but recently I am struggling to get my fish to eat anything. I have a 110L tank containing 5 glowlight tetras, 2 five-banded barbs, 1 tiger barb (young fish accidentally mistaken for 5-banded by store), and 4 cory catfish. for at least two weeks now and occuring either side of a water change none of the fish except the catfish seem to have eaten anything at all. the catfish seem very happy and lively and eat all the food the others leave along with 2 varieties of hikari wafers which suggests to me there is no environmental issue present. however despite my efforts the barbs show little interest in food and the tetras attack it excitedly but just spit the food straight back out and lose interest... I feed them primarily on tetra flakes but supplement this with tetra sinking granules, tetra crisps, hikari tropical micro wafers and once a week I feed some bloodworm. Id kinda understand if I only gave them flake.. but they do the same with all the food types.

I watch them closely every time I feed them and never see them swallow anything yet after a fortnight they all seem healthy and colourful and somehow havent starved???

Any suggestions??

Are your water stats normal? 0 amm, 0 nitrite? How long have they not been eating?
Are your water stats normal? 0 amm, 0 nitrite? How long have they not been eating?

afraid I couldn't tell you as I have never owned a test kit but I will check when I can get my hands on one. Shouldn't be a problem though as I did a good 40-50% water change a week ago.

They haven't been seen eating anything for around a fortnight so was happening before water change too or I would have assumed it was stress related
ebay for your test kit - is a seller does api for £23 - other shops are £33 x that or take a sample to your local shop - most test for free for you x
I suplement flake with some frozen foods - tropical mix is good as you get a variety. also some peas, broccoli, occasional cucumber and spinach.
Considering the lack of a water test kit, I would start with a massive (~95%) water change and see if their behaviour improves.

If memory serves me right, appearing to eat food but then spitting it our is a sign of internal infection?

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