Feeding My Fish.


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
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Loch Lomond
Been feeding my fish with mainly wafers and sinking pellets. But today I decided to put in two chunks of cucumber, mainly for the plecs I have. Well my clown loaches are all over one of the chunks and are making lots of clicking noises, I take it this is them excited and happy? Never expected the clowns to all at once come out of hiding to get some cucumber.

What other foods can I get for the fish listed in my Siggy?
I heard you could feed a bit of chicken is this right?

Frozen peas will also be eagerly eaten by them, just take the outer casing off the peas first. I give mine a nice smoosh as well to make it more easily eaten by the smaller mouthed fish - neon tetras and harlequin rasboras.

Bloodworms are always readily accepted as well.
fish are driven by food....most fish will pretty much eat or pick at anything, meats, veggies, etc etc

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