Feeding Live Food


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
North East
This may seem an odd topic (well it is to me!! Lol) but here goes. Can you feed fish fry to fish?!
Im assuming you can as fish do eat fry & other fish but just looking for some confirmation really.
I ask as my partner has bread some Guppy fry & through inexperience they have inter-bred so dont want to sell them, cant really keep all of the fry as there are quite a few & now more females are pregnant hence, wondering if i can put them in my 5ft tank housing pair if GBR's, pair of kribs, tiger barbs, lemon tetras & some BNP's in ordwr to rwduce the nbers of the fry/new borns?
Much appreciate amy help/tips!!
absolutely could be done, trouble may come if they don't eat them,
wait till regular feeding time and introduce them first,
if they survive I'm not sure how to approach.
Excess is an issue and I would cull frequently as needed.
I risk a fall out but I agree with the reasoning.
Do you know anyone with an oscar or similar predatory fish? They would make short order of even adult guppies...
I'm afraid this is a common problem with guppies and other livebearers. It's better to get rid of some by some, fairly humane means, than try and raise more than you have space for.

I've fed deformed/unwanted to my oscar on the odd occasion; as long as the fry are small enough to be eaten in one gulp, it's a pretty quick way to go, IMO.

Kribs and tiger barbs will make short work of newborn fry. What are BNPs? :crazy:
Yes bristle nose plecs. Thanks for the advice all, will give it some careful consideration as its got to better than other in-humane ways of culling hence.
Plus, thought some live food would be good for my fish.
Am looking into a blue acara & an eliotti but not got them yet & dint want to give them the idea its good to eat fish as when they grow they may make short work of my radsboras!!
Oh decisions decisions!!!
Thanks again.

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