Feeding Guppies


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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In my community tank I have 14 neon tetras, 4 HUGE female guppies (all 4 are now shy of 4 inches in length!!!), 2 nearly adult female guppies, and 2 small female guppies (about 3 months old).

Now... my 3 adult guppies are.... um... way too well feed and... fat (not pregnant). My 2 nearly adult guppies are... well getting fat as well (also not pregnant).

I am currently feeding smaller portions twice a day (Life Spectrum) and other things 2-3 times per week such as egg or daphnia.

I think... I am feeding them too well and they are too fat.

If I switch to feeding them once per day... will that be a problem for my neons or my 2 small female guppies?
I feed mine 1 time a day flakes my guppies are total of 6 and are sharing tank with some sward tails. They used to be in my husband`s tank and he used to feed them once every other day. You can feed once a day, I have heard you need to feed enough food for them to eat for about 5 min, without reaching the bottom. I usually try to keep it about there- can not exactly tell cause some food does reach the bottom where the sword tails take care of it... I was told to keep my fish hungry 1 day per week so I do that as well. I feed mine flakes mainly and 1 or 2 times per week i will combine them with dry blood worms, dried see weed or algae tablets that are for plecos- guppies do not like the last one that much but other fish loves it looks like it to me. That is what I do my oldest fish are about 3 inches long...
Have a good day
I might try the algae wafer idea for my platies (they aren't fat) who are in a separate tank. I have one platy that is sensitive to certain foods.

I also have found blood worms make a couple of my guppies sick (others are all fine).

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