I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
I have three fry currently living in my house. I have one Molly, who is about two weeks and two Swordtails who, I am guessing, are closer to six to eight weeks (I'm not sure on their age because I rescued them from my lfs). I have been feeding the Molly HBH Fry Bites, which is just a very fine powdered food, and the two Swords have been eating regular crushed flake.
Today I was feeding bloodworms to all of my adult fish, and I wondered if the fry could have some too. Since the Swords are in my divided 7.5 gallon tank with one of my bettas, they obviously got one or two and just loved them...they are still serching the bottom of the tank for more.
The Molly is in one of my 10 gallons with my adult Mollies and a betta, but is in a breeding net, so he couldn't get at any of the huge peices. I found a super tiny little piece, that was just like a shaving of a bloodworm, and I dropped it in his net. He loved it!
So I guess my question is, is it ok to give fry small treats like this once in a while or should they not be fed this kind of stuff till they get older?
Today I was feeding bloodworms to all of my adult fish, and I wondered if the fry could have some too. Since the Swords are in my divided 7.5 gallon tank with one of my bettas, they obviously got one or two and just loved them...they are still serching the bottom of the tank for more.
The Molly is in one of my 10 gallons with my adult Mollies and a betta, but is in a breeding net, so he couldn't get at any of the huge peices. I found a super tiny little piece, that was just like a shaving of a bloodworm, and I dropped it in his net. He loved it!
So I guess my question is, is it ok to give fry small treats like this once in a while or should they not be fed this kind of stuff till they get older?