When i tried the Algae wafers, they went wild for them but didnt seem to go down (still were large. Should they be pre soaked before dropping? or should i ditch them and get another sort that you mentioned?
The wafers are normally designed to sink and become soft over time. They're good
I have blood worms which i feed to them twice a week. I have 4 clown loaches and 6 Tetras in a 60l tank.
I'm sorry to say, but clown loaches prefer groups of 6+ and a 4 ft minimum 300 liter tank. These guys can grow to 14" and will in a proper tank. Most say a 6 ft x 2 ft is minimum for adults
The person at the fish shop did explain that they grow this length, but they are slow growers. He did say that when they get too big they would be able to possibly buy them off of us.
16", not 14". They are slow growers, but they need the space to grow at all. I also consider that a 4 ft tank is really the smallest that they should have (or they will become stunted) and 6 ft is the absolute minimum for them once they reach the middle of their growth stage. Realistically, a 2 ft tank is only any good for when they have just barely hatched.
I also strongly recommend that they should be kept in a group of 6+, and ideally in a group of 10+. This is why the are not really suitable for the average community tank

By the way, which shop have you been going to? Goldfish Bowl or Maidenhead Aquatics?
Buy them off you? Hehe, large clowns have a high value, so you won't have trouble getting rid of them… the problem is that your tank is too small for them to grow.