Fat/bloated But Happy-Ish Fish


New Member
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi all,

I have attached a very small picture of the fish in question but it has been like this for a very long time (6 months or more). Basically it became enormously bloated over time. None of the other fish are affected, and it just never stops eating. It does not seem unhappy or lethargic but can be a bit aggressive over food. When there is no food it often swims around the bottom sucking things up. I think its a tetra of some kind but am not totally sure. I couldn't capture a picture from the front, but you will be amazed at how bloated it looks when you see it from that angle. I have looked at websites about 'bloat' and 'dropsy' but they all seem to say that it kills the fish quite quickly and make them lethargic or constipated. Is it possible its just really fat?

If you need a bigger picture I can upload one.

Many Thanks


  • fish.jpg
    7 KB · Views: 36
I think that's a gold barb, though a bigger picture would help.

Barbs can be terribly greedy; I have a couple of tiger barbs that are a similar shape! If it's come on gradually, and the fish is showing no other symptoms (especially scales sticking out, making the fish look like a pinecone) then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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