

Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2010
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Well the time has come... I have fully caught the salty bug (at the 2nd attempt)
Sadly feel i am neglecting my tropical tank :( so have made the decision to sell up.
Its a roma125 with stand and a fluval 205 external filter.
1x Salvini
1x Ellioti 
3x Syno Nigrita
2x Clown loachs (were a rescue job but found no new home)
1x BN pleco
Just a heads up as to what ill be selling.... May split but £150 would probably take the lot.
It is a shame but with a first mortgage and corals to fund it needs to be done.
Cheerio all! And thank you for all of your help!
Man, I went salt for like a month and then quit and went back to tropical :p
No need to say good bye, we can take care of your salt water needs right here! But if you simply MUST go elsewhere I recommend TFF's sister forum thereeftank.com. You'll see me over there as a moderator and frequent poster.
techen said:
Man, I went salt for like a month and then quit and went back to tropical
Can I ask why? I'm in the process of converting to marine, and I've always been scared I'm making the wrong decision though I'm sure I'll love it when I get there.
I am a member of thereeftank, wasnt aware it was a sister site.
Tank is now in the sale section :)
Marine doesn't have to be difficult neither does reef. Fish and coral selection are huge in keeping it so and keeping it more affordable.

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