External Filter On A 125L Tank. Dumb Idea ?


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Apr 28, 2013
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Hi all,
Looking for advice from yourselves, on e merits and practicalities of above.
I've got a Fluval Roma 125l tank and don't really want to replace / remove the top so I'd need the pipework to go through existing vent spaces in the lid, but I'm interested in going to an external tank as I'd like to live plant out the tank in the future and get a small plec to go with the Tetra / Gupp / Cory community pre-existing.
Has anyone done an external on a 125L - or am I just crazy over the top in my thinking here and get an internal instead ?
Particularly keen if anyone has done a Roma install as well, I'd hate to get the pump works to the tank and realise it don't fit !
My first tank was a 130l and I had an external filter on it. Initially I had an internal one but found it much easier to clean and maintain once I swapped to an external one. I think it was a Fluval 201. I'd happily recommend an external for your tank. You could look at numerous types that would be suitable. Did you have any in mind?
Tending towards the Fluval 205/206 or the All Pond Solutions. Have heard reports on APS customer service, but I just found a crack in our 20L Betta tank which we got from them - and they're replacing the base overnight courier for tomorrow morning so I'm willing to give them a try. And at £50 delivered brand new, its a compelling cost argument as well.
I did look at the Tetra ones, but they look top end and everyone raves about eheim but they look expensive.
I'm looking for a tank which is enjoyable but can be managed in a reasonable amount of effort - hence the external as I've read that they do keep water cleaner etc, also the adding small plecs and small gravel / sand debate on other threads.
I also got a roma 125, I run a tetratec ex1200 on it, its perfect in my opinion, a lot better than my fluval 305 which is a nightmare after cleaning to get restarted, some may think its overkill just for 125l but the more filtration the better, its not like a whirlpool in their either, and i turn on a powerhead now and again to stir things up and please my loaches.
I run an external on my 60 litre, lol.

Yes it's overkill, but I closed down my middle tank and so had the external spare and thought I may a well use it. I much prefer it and would never use an internal again. If I were to get another small tank I'd go for a hob filter if an external would be silly.
I've got a 125 Roma and run it with a 206 fluval external, had to do a bit of cutting back on the rear lid section for hoses but it's a neat fit, frees up about 4-5 litres worth of space a suitable sized internal would take up.

plus you'll get at very least 8X more bio media in just one tray of a 206 than that of the entire recommended U3 fluval filter for that size tank, more surface area for additional mechanical filtration.
Thanks for posting your pics KirkyArcher, I quite fancy a Roma 125 for the future so it's good to see what you can do with it.
Do you have a journal for your tank somewhere?
No journal, but I have a few Vids on my homepage of my 125lt tank and it's various arrangements it had over the past 6 months. 
At this moment I'm just waiting for the water to clarify a little bit and let the temperature stabilise after changing the background image from black to a stone effect one for the tanks latest incarnation, then I can stick the fish back in. (Had to completely empty tank to be able to turn it around to get access to the rear glass panel)
Nice post pics or vid when it's done!  What made you change from a black background?
Also would you mind posting a pic of inside the cabinet so we can see the external filter and CO2 setup? :)
It's not the best planned out arrangement but loads of room available If i needed it, 

Lots of Cables time switches and air/Co2 lines all hidden from view and with UV steriliser hung on the back of the cabinet
(main reason for background change Is predominantly a trial to see if the few visible floating particulates that I have from such a heavily stocked tank become less obvious)
Kirky - thanks so much for the pics / links and help. How did you get your finish so nice on that lid amendment ?
I'm looking to the APS 1000l/h option myself, tempted by the fluval but the reviews on the APS are very good and its a cracking price right now (£49.99 delivered).
Also - any suggestions on what media to use / mix through ?
Cut out sections were done with a 25mm hole saw and then slotted completed with a hacksaw, overhangers are provided with the fluval filter and help keep the thing looking neat and tidy, Can't argue with that price for a good external, to get the best from the 9w UV you may have to reduce flow rate a bit if that's at all possible with the APS!  I just use the fluval biomax that came with the filter topped up with Eheim substrat pro in one tray (middle), all other tray space I just fill with polywool (well it's actually the washed contents from a basics polyester filled pillow) + the Fluval has 4 pre filter foams to catch big bits of debris.
Cool thanks - wasn't aware you could use pillow fibres as a filter ! Good idea though.
Re: the UV -> is that a bolt on of yours ? I've looked at the 206 and the APS FEF280 and neither have intergrated UV sterilisers. They a good add on in terms of cleaning the tank ?
I'm a bit wary of whacking everything, as I'm moving to sand and I've got corys and hopefully a bristlenose at some point in the future - some algae for those guys would be appreciated
Sorry I looked up the 1000EF+ when checking out your selection, Yes mine is a separate unit (Vecton V2) greatly improves water clarity
All a UV unit will do is reduce green water issues and kill off lots of nasties for improved fish health, It doesn't stop algae growth, my bogwood and stones have a nice tinge of Algal growth that my Amano shrimp just love munching on, and also usually the rear glass panel (that usually doesn't get cleaned as frequently as the viewing glass) has a build up that a Bristlenose would enjoy rasping off.

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