External Filter For 500 L - Options


Jul 1, 2008
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what are the options for a 500 L  FW tank heavy stocking.
Fluval FX6. I have an FX5 (older version) and it works fine on my 640 litre. I don't have any fine media in my FX5 so it needs cleaning only every few months and then mostly for the pipes that get a bit 'algaefied'. To take the fine particles out I use a Fluval U4 internal that has only fine filter material in it as it is very quick and easy to clean, takes about five minutes during a water change.
I run a fx6 on my 450l and it's a amazing filter I would recommend
I'd like an FX6 but it won't fit in my tank cabinet! Looks a good filter though and I'd get it if it would fit!
I have an FX5 and an FX6 on my 512 liter :) I always feel that you should have more than one filter running especially on a tank this size.
maybe look to have fx6 and the fluval 405 i currently have as give tank a good start with old media.
so if u have 2 filters how is it best set up , both outputs together and both imputs together or another way ?
also unsure what overall flow this would give me
I tried the FX5/405 combination but everything was so cluttered with all those pipes knocking around and after a leak on the 405 caused some carpet damage I reverted to the FX5 on it's own and added a U4 inside the tank to keep away any dead spots and keep the surface moving at the other end of the tank. The U4 is a doddle to clean too, takes about three minutes.
I have one filter each side with both pipes from each filter at each end of the tank if you see what I mean.
I have heard of the 05 ranges having leaking problem :/
yeah idea of two lots of pipes etc isnt good but do need enough filteration/flow.
maybe think about it bit more and possible add an internal.
had my fluval 405 for a year plus and no issues , had major issues with eheim pro i had before though.
do u guys think that if i add the mature media from the 405 to the fx6 plus some additional media it will be ok for the fish i have currently in my 200L tank.  (swap over same day)
then up the stock gradually as filter stabilises.
Yes, the mature filter media you have will cope with the same stocking regardless of which filter it is in afterall it's doing the same job for the same number of fish. Just keep an eye on the stats for a couple of days in case of a mini spike. This will also enable bacteria to move through the new filter material and populate it accordingly. That is exactly what I did when I moved from a 240 litre to a 640 litre and I had no losses and no issues with water quality at all.

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