Everyone loves tubifex

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I use freeze dried Tubifex worms for my Panda Garras and cichlids but don't soak first. Mine come from Hikari and are in cubes that are too large for a single feeding in my tank. I pinch off a chunk and press on the glass where it will stick. The Pandas attack it on the glass and the cichlids chow down on what is broken off and in the water. Hey it works. ;)

This is the product that I use:
Same one I use now and again. Too bad my Embers and Glowlites never seem to able to get in the fun. They don't sink down to the level they hang and feed in.
In my tetra tank (bloodfins, glowlights, embers, with some harlequin raspboras) freeze-dried tubifex does cause a commotion. Even the embers attack the surface. However, if I REALLY want to
cause a mass feeding frenzy, my occasional offerings of freeze-dried bloodworms creates true havoc!
In my tetra tank (bloodfins, glowlights, embers, with some harlequin raspboras) freeze-dried tubifex does cause a commotion. Even the embers attack the surface. However, if I REALLY want to
cause a mass feeding frenzy, my occasional offerings of freeze-dried bloodworms creates true havoc!
I've never tried freeze dried bloodworms because I've heard they won't sink. All of my fish prefer feeding from the middle or bottom of the water column.
I've never tried freeze dried bloodworms because I've heard they won't sink. All of my fish prefer feeding from the middle or bottom of the water column.

Tetras are supposedly mid-level feeders, but don't tell that to mine! The bloodfins are first to the top when I put out dried bloodworms, and all but the raspboras hit the surface
eventually. The glowlights are less inclined (except for the albinos, one of whom seems a bit more aggressive than the others). The fish hitting the surface knock down the dried
food as it soaks (if any is left), but I normally put out a mid-level food like TetraMin and dried Daphnia along with a pinch of Bugbites and the occasional freeze-dried food.

I do have to put in the occasional wafer food for the kuhli loaches and amano shrimp, but they seem to do ok with the overlooked fallen food. I probably feed too much 8'/.

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