Estimated Seeding Time?


Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Wales, UK
Got a a new tank+filter on Friday and have seeded the filter using existing media. I added the seeded bit on Friday also and topped the tank up to 5ppm Ammonia.

Looking at the tests now(Sun) the ammonia has gone from 5 to 2, and nitrites have gone to around 2-3.
What estimated time am I looking at for the whole new filter to be seeded? 2-3 weeks?

(The seeded media was around 15% the size of the new filter)

The bacterial colonies in our filters can (or so I've been told) double in size every 24 hours, so if they've transferred well (and if your ammonia's reducing by that much, it sounds like they have) it should be fairly short time: a week/ten days maybe, but it's hard to tell, there are so many other factors involved.
I will give it about 2 weeks to make sure, would rather be patient now and avoid disappointment later.

Thanks Fluttermoth
Well, if you're testing the water and adding ammonia, as soon as that ammonia and nitrite levels are zero 12 hours after adding the ammonia, you'll know it's done.

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