Esha 2000


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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I've lost 2 harlequins in about a week to strange symptoms. Both had a strange cyst like growth which fell off after a couple of days leaving a bloody hole in their side. Both fish went on to die within 24 hours of the the 'cyst' falling off.
On top of this I have a cory with cloudy patches on his body - he's been like this a while and I've tried various things to treat him all to no avail. He's not sick in any other way. Swims normally, is eating well and acts like a normal cory.
I'm now worried about my curvicep dwarf cichlid. He's pale and refused his favourite meal tonight. I suspect he's very stressed but he won't let me catch him. If I could I would remove him from my tank and pop him in the Quarantine tank to see if he picks up.
I have in stock some Esha 2000 which appears to be a very broad spectrum medication. I'm wondering if I should try running a course. I don't know if these 'cysts' on the harley's are indeed that or if they are a parasite. 
Thoughts anyone please
Some photo's
the harlequin


the cory
What kind of harlequin is that? It doesn't look like the ones I've familiar with. I'm used to the pork chop pattern. 
I would try an anti-fungal myself but a broad spectrum that covers fungus should work as well. 
they are a colour morph of Trigonostigma heteromorpha apparently. Zante and Eagles looked them up for me
It's very attractive. I've not seen them before. Let us know how they heal up. Sounds like you have a treatment already lined up. 
I've no idea if the Esha 2000 will do the thing, that's why I was asking about it. Wondering if there's something better really.
The harley's are lovely. I have 10 juveniles in my quarantine tank at the moment. They're too small to go in the big tank and I also want to check that the big tank is healthy too before I add new healthy fish. 
I've never used that product myself. However, I am familiar with eSHa from the forums and it sounds like just what you need. 
thank you, I've no other choice now than to give it a try. I'll be surprised if my curvicep dwarf cichlid makes it through the week. He's looking very bad. He is an old boy - about 5 years old roughly - so it's hard to say whether he's unwell, stressed or just dying of old age
Let us know how it goes. I'm hoping for the best!
I'm gonna be very upset if I lose curviceps but it's looking inevitable. I'm just telling myself he's had a fantastic life with me and he has to go at some point. He's just been sat on the sand but he's disappeared now. I presume he's gone back to his hidey hole in my plants
I know how you feel. I hate losing fish, or shrimp, or corals. I even hate getting rid of my extra macro algae from my sump because I know it has amphipods living in it. 
I'm currently trying to hunt down my second zebra snail. I've found one and moved it into my Q tank, now I need to find number 2 so I can medicate
Hi Akasha sorry to hear about your fish 
I've been doing some reading and think Lymphocystis maybe afflicting your Harlys? have a read and see if you think it's this, I hope they recover for you.
Hi bettafish - I did ask in another thread what it was they had and I think that was what I was told. Do you know if the Esha 2000 will treat it? I don't want to lose any more
tcamos said:
It's very attractive. I've not seen them before. Let us know how they heal up. Sounds like you have a treatment already lined up. 
I was wondering the same thing.  Lovely Harley's indeed.
Akasha, here's a link to a list of medication, some that may fit the bill here :
I tend to use Paraguard
I originally got the Esha to treat the cory but it didn't work. He's also had an anti-biotic, melafix and pimafix and he's still not better. As for the harley's, if bettafish is right (and I believe it was Zante on my other thread that suggested the same thing) then nothing will work as it's a viral thing that will run it's course.
I really don't know what to do here. I'm loathe to medicate if I don't need to but at the same time I don't want to lose any more fish

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