Equipment Suggestions For 180G W/ Overflow

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Mostly New Member
Feb 3, 2014
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If the price is low *enough*, I can buy a 180 gallon tank very soon. If not I have to wait until the fall. Either way I want to know the best equipment for it, and have a good "ballpark" price. I am expecting roughly 4000 for everything, tank and all equipment rock and sand (no fish)

This seems to be a very good "setup" for a tank and I would like to get that equipment (except the chiller, that can be later). I want everyone's opinion and would like two answers to each equipment. A good cheap one and an excellent pricey one. I would also like to setup a refugium, but i do not know if that is different from a sump. In the tank I want to develop a successful population of coepods and zooplankton, so the pumps and what not cannot be too aggressive where it kills the creatures on the way back in the tank. Please any and all advice would be great. It could possibly be a reef, but for the first 6 months at least, it will be a FOWLR with inverts. Thanks again.

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