Equipment make/model/size:
Quantity for sale:
Reason for Sale: Not got fish anymore
Delivery or Collection:
Sales price:
Postage & Packaging:
Location: Glasgow
Photograph:i can send pics threw text if you want something
1. Api master test kit all full except ammonia bottles come with glass tubes aswell
2. Stress zyme +. 237ml used twice still almost full
3.portable air pump with tubing
4. 800litre pond solution filter
5.10g filter no make
6.half bottle of fresh start declorinater
7.full bottle of filter start 100mls
8.ap 180 air pump
9.300watt elite heater
10. Baby brine shrimp hatchery with 4 salt rocks
11.marina algae magnet
12.25 unopend tetra fishdelica brine shrimp sachets
13 . 90 bloodworm frozen cubes
Will sell all in one for £40
Quantity for sale:
Reason for Sale: Not got fish anymore
Delivery or Collection:
Sales price:
Postage & Packaging:
Location: Glasgow
Photograph:i can send pics threw text if you want something
1. Api master test kit all full except ammonia bottles come with glass tubes aswell
2. Stress zyme +. 237ml used twice still almost full
3.portable air pump with tubing
4. 800litre pond solution filter
5.10g filter no make
6.half bottle of fresh start declorinater
7.full bottle of filter start 100mls
8.ap 180 air pump
9.300watt elite heater
10. Baby brine shrimp hatchery with 4 salt rocks
11.marina algae magnet
12.25 unopend tetra fishdelica brine shrimp sachets
13 . 90 bloodworm frozen cubes
Will sell all in one for £40