Endlers Chasing Guppy - Puzzle


Mostly New Member
Jan 21, 2014
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I bought a yellow guppy (male) a few weeks ago, and put him in with my male Endlers. He was constantly harassed, and reading other forums made me think that was possibly because he was bigger, and the Endlers were mistaking him for a female. So I bought a couple more guppies, this time with 'flame' tails, hoping that would distract the Endlers, but instead all the guppies and Endlers now take turns to chase the yellow one!

He doesn't seem overly distressed, still manages to eat and doesn't hide from the others, but it still seems a shame. Does anyone have any other ideas about how to give him some peace? Is it his colour, or do some fish just have an invisible 'kick me' sign pinned to their fins? I could get another yellow guppy if people think that would help.

All opinions welcome, I'm still very new to fish keeping!
I've heard of this before, but never over in England... that's the really weird part
You say it's a yellow guppy? that might be the issue.. you may has to re-home the guppy, or take him back to the LFS.. This will not end well for the lil feller...
I'm not sure the fish know they're in Scotland :)

If I see another yellow guppy I might buy it, see if that confuses the others! He doesn't seem too upset, still feeding and swimming around, not hiding (and there are plenty of places to do that if he wanted to).

Thanks for getting back to me.
Are you absolutely sure the yellow guppy is a male because if it is a female it would explain why they would constantly chase it.
Definitely a male, definitely a gonopodium visible!
I had my endlers chasing and nip a particular Guppy. they used to wrastle in the water ! Ultimately I had to return the endlers.

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