Emerald Dwarf Rasbore


Fish Crazy
Apr 5, 2011
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i picked up five of these 10 days ago and put them in a 15ltr planted tank containing half a doz 2/3 wk old guppy fry. they have hidden the whole time at the back in amongst the cabomba. now theyr in my 130ltr with my 20ish CPD's dozen daiseys rice fish mini moth cats, ottoes, scarlet badis, unidentified loaches its a busy tank and i thought i would never see them again but theyre out with the cpd's colouring up after hlf an hour, plan is to breed these and build numbers adding new blood whenever i see any in the fish shops. i picked the biggest healthiest looking fish in the tank so hopefully can start in a few wks. whose got them, anybody bred them, ive raised plenty of cpds so i guess itl be very similar and the hardest part will be feeding the fry.
Small 'micro' fish as these, similiar to something like a Chilli Rasbora, will show their natural behaviour in much larger groups... how many will depend totally on your tank size, filtration and other stocking. They also, as you stated, prefer cover...and lots of it...the 2 types of Micro fish i have had have all really enjoyed the extra cover i gave them.. to give you an idea, i comfortably had over 20 similiar sized fish at one time in my 110L..fantastic little creatures :good:

I have 12 in a 300L planted tank, they are great fun, they do spend a lot of time in the plants and then one comes out (the scout) and he will shoot down the length of the tank with the other 11 hurrying after him and then they turn and go back the other way.

They are hilarious colours and are happily spawning away merrily in the java moss, it wont come to anything but its funny as the cardinals, emerald dwarf rasbora and blue rainbows are all spawning in the same place!

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