Elephant Nose Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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I got one recently and he wont come out to eat or anything. all he does is hide in the caves and under the filter. :( i want to see him swimming round the tank lol. in the shop they looked active. are they usualy active?
They are nocturnal, can be hard to keep aswel. What are you trying to feed it? How big is it? Tank size? Tank mates?
We will need a lot more info on your situation as jayjay said, but these fish are very hard to keep for even the most experienced fish keepers. They can suffer many issues in the aquarium;

a. In their wild habitat they find their food by locating food (small crustaceons and worms etc) in muddy substrate with an electrical organ in their body.
Because of this they generally only accept live foods which will burrow in the substrate for it to find, needless to say the substrate should also be of very soft fine sand or something of similar consistancy to allow to the fish to feed and behave normally. One of the most common causes of death for elephant nose fish is starvation from them going off their food.

b. Elephant nose fish seem particually prone to whitespot when introduced to a new aquarium, unfortunately they cannot handle copper based meds which is bad because that rules out whitespot meds for them, they are generally intolerant of most meds.

c. Elephant nose fish have been known to randomly die even in th ehands of very experienced fish keepers, some people have suggested that tiny stray electrical currents in the aquarium from the equipment interferes which fishs own electrical signals, causing much stress to the fish over time.

For more info on keeping them check out;


Personally i see them as one of those fish which look cool in the shop but are best left alone, i havn't heard of anyone keeping these fish alive for more than a year or two yet.
Personally i see them as one of those fish which look cool in the shop but are best left alone, i havn't heard of anyone keeping these fish alive for more than a year or two yet.

I had mine for 2 years but then my tanks got velvet :( Lost most of my fish.
oh :( now im wishing i had asked before i bought the fish.... ***Learns from her mistake after getting red tailed cat fish from pet store before knowing about this forum*** (which by the way is NOT in the tank lol)

ok so.......my tank is a juwel 350. has 350 litres. hes about 6 inches long. there is sand on the bottom of the tank. ive been feeding him on live fish that the pet shop gave me. his tank mates are.....

1) miniture plec
2) Red tailed shark (who doesnt bully the others)
3) siamese fighter fish
4) silver shark
5) gourami
6) swordtail
7) tiny tiny angel fish.

thats it at the moment.

kind of hoping the elephant fish doesnt bring my other fish diseases. :no:

and then i have a smaller tank for my RTC (although he will be going when he out grows that tank lol)
Live fish as food for a elephant nose!! Where is this shop and what is it called? It sounds to me like the owner needs a good slap (or at the very least having it plastered all over the internat that his shop is crap) if thats the kind of advise and information he is giving out.
Elephant nose have tiny mouths and struggle to even eat large bloodworms, small frozen bloodworm and tubifix worms are the preffered food for them.
Yeah, it may get beaten to the food aswel, try dropping a block of frozen bloodworms after it's be thawed in the tank at night.

EDIT- where are you from BTW?
EDIT- where are you from BTW?

I'm from Lincoln. I got the red tail catfish from pets at home - the elephant fish i got from a LFS. different stores but i need to learn to ask BEFORE i buy lmao

Carina :wub:
EDIT- where are you from BTW?

I'm from Lincoln. I got the red tail catfish from pets at home - the elephant fish i got from a LFS. different stores but i need to learn to ask BEFORE i buy lmao

Carina :wub:

Its a very sound thing to do, researching your fish before you buy them :) .
I have never trusted lfs's or lps's in general ever since i was sold some common and sailfin plecs years ago after being told they'd grow to 5-6inches tops, and then they later tried to sell me a Chinese Algae Eater saying it would make a "good small community algae eating fish" (in realily they grow to 10inches+ and grow into territorial and agressive fish), which i thankfully declined.
I still have my common and sailfin plecos' and they are in a large tank together, but i learnt my lesson never to expect lfs staff to be knowledgable on any fish they try to sell you at all- because after all, they are trying to sell you something ;) .
Its a very sound thing to do, researching your fish before you buy them

most (good) shops have books both for sale, and behind the counter. I've regularly asked to see all the info on a certain fish before buying. They are usually more than happy to help.

As for the elephant nose, they are also sensitive to electric fields, so make sure the tank is not too near your TV etc.

Might be best to set up a species tank with a sand substrate VERY subdued lighting, and either buy live whiteworms or tubifex for it. These don't rot if it doesn't eat them immediately. If its alone you could also try daphnia. These foods will probably get eating by cheeky community fish if you keep them all together.

Plant it with African nympea lilys and anubias, and decorate with bogwood, for a really cool african biotope. Once the ENF gets acclimatised, and you know its happy, perhaps a few shy killifish might finish the tank off

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