"electric Yellow" Cichlid Afraid Of Light


Mostly New Member
Apr 6, 2016
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Exactly what the title says. They do not come out when its light, they stay in their caves, they are also extremely scared of me and will hide in their seperate cave when i come near. I ussually have the light in the tank off for 20 hrs a day. But some sun light gets through the blinds so its medium light all day.
I don't know how many rocks you have in your tank but generally the more hiding places fish have, the more secure they feel. I'm assuming as you are keeping african cichlids you probably don't have plants in your tank. Maybe cover the top with water lettuce or something similar to cut down the lighting.
How many fish do you have? Any chance of a picture of your set up? When do you feed the fish, and do they come out for food?
fluttermoth said:
How many fish do you have? Any chance of a picture of your set up? When do you feed the fish, and do they come out for food?
Theres 3, one of which is separated because of illness, all of them are the Electric Yellows. I can try to get a pic with my smart phone when i get home from work. I feed them every night at around 9-10 and they only eat once i leave the room with the tank light off but the room light on. Ussually they will eat the food once it reaches the bottom
Munroco said:
I don't know how many rocks you have in your tank but generally the more hiding places fish have, the more secure they feel. I'm assuming as you are keeping african cichlids you probably don't have plants in your tank. Maybe cover the top with water lettuce or something similar to cut down the lighting.
I have many rocks, i have built a rock structure in the tank with 4 or so caves, i also have a fake stump. I do not have any real plants, but i intend on getting a few in a month when im gonna change out the substrate to something a little more "realistic". Except i have read of the cichlids destroying plants. I will take a look at some water lettuce thanks!
It sounds like you have too few fish and too few rocks and caves.

Although they're obviously not shoaling fish, most Rift Valley cichlids do cluster together in colonies, like a freshwater version of a coral reef; I'm sure you've seen those on TV
I wouldn't bother with plants, tbh; they don't have plants in their natural environment, and tend to just rip them up in tank. More rockwork and more fish!

I would also start feeding them as soon as you turn the lights on and when, and only when, you have time to sit next to the tank. Do that for a few weeks, and they'll soon learn to associate you with food.
fluttermoth said:
I would also start feeding them as soon as you turn the lights on and when, and only when, you have time to sit next to the tank. Do that for a few weeks, and they'll soon learn to associate you with food.
I have started doing this, they r coming out, time will tell

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