Electric Blue In A Community Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I have a 45 gallon corner tank with a pair of kribensis, 1 gold gourami, 5 danios, some neons (which are getting moved to my 30 gallon) and a pleco. I have been wanting to add something new for a while and really like the look of the electric blue johanni's. I'm not sure if everyone will get along.
This answer applies here too sorry! Malawis are not meant for the general community tank. Different requirements.
Ok thanks. The last thing I want to do is loose all my fish. Now I just have to figure what I want to add lol.
A large shoal of something would seem a sensible suggestion. I'm not sure how the gouramis are as a community fish, but something like a dwarf neon rainbow would be a nice addition. They can show stunning colours once settled (and often overlooked in shops because they dont look all that impressive).

Have a browse around the species profiles and see what takes your fancy.
Thanks for suggestion. I like the neon rainbow but I think I also like blue rams.
I wound up going with 6 neon rainbows. Thanks for the suggestion I never would have looked at them until you suggested it.

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