Eggs Hanging Out Of Angelfish?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 22, 2012
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Hi, I bought a few juvi angels about a week ago and I just noticed what I can only describe an egg sack hanging out of one of them.. I know they lay on a surface so I'm a little confused. Were they trying and just inexperienced or is this a problem? :blink: They do appear to have their tubes down.. I'm going to try to get some pictures.
I know I tried really hard to get a good one but they wouldn't stop moving! You can't even see it in the pictures, it was a clear little sack with a few eggs inside.. Then it just fell off. They look perfect besides their fins being short when I bought them, really active and social. I thought maybe someone would have experienced it before.


You can kind of see in this picture.

I know I tried really hard to get a good one but they wouldn't stop moving! You can't even see it in the pictures, it was a clear little sack with a few eggs inside.. Then it just fell off. They look perfect besides their fins being short when I bought them, really active and social. I thought maybe someone would have experienced it before.


You can kind of see in this picture. The tail fins are a bit shredded too just on this one.
Never seen it before myself. Although, I have seen fish pass frozen food, such as bloodworms, that looked like a clear tube. Angels generally lay one egg at a time and there's no "jelly" around them...
Hmm yeah I tried looking it up but I couldn't find anything.

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