Hi everyone,
Sadly one of my Dwarf Neon Rainbows died yesterday.
I had noticed that she was very fat around the abdomen but otherwise showing no signs of ill health or change to her physicality.
I've never had Rainbows spawn or become egg bound that I know of. Is this likely to have been the cause? Or could something else have been the issue? All the others in the tank are fine. Could she have become constipated? She was still eating so I'd be surprised if the later was the case.
Sadly one of my Dwarf Neon Rainbows died yesterday.
I had noticed that she was very fat around the abdomen but otherwise showing no signs of ill health or change to her physicality.
I've never had Rainbows spawn or become egg bound that I know of. Is this likely to have been the cause? Or could something else have been the issue? All the others in the tank are fine. Could she have become constipated? She was still eating so I'd be surprised if the later was the case.