Eel like fish identification

Jan 12, 2017
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I have this eel like fish that I don't know what it really is because it was inside a tank I was given over a year ago. I did a search on Google recently on mini eel and I think I've found what is in my fish aquarium. it only comes out of hiding at night for feeding. I haven't seen it attack any of my other fish that are in the tank with it. it usually stays to its self. any help with properly identifying this fish/eel would be great. see attached picture.


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The most likely fish that looks like that, and is commonly kept in tanks, is the weather loach Misgurnus angullicaudatus.

Could you try and get a picture of your fish? Just because fish look similar doesn't mean they have the same tank requirements. For example, the weather loach is a temperate fish, and shouldn't be kept at tropical temperatures, whereas a Java loach would die if kept too cold.

There's also the fact that pretty much all loaches are social and shouldn't be kept alone, and you obviously can't get tankmates for yours if you don't knowexactly what species it is.

P.S; you might want to change your user name to something that's not your email; there are bots that surf the web looking for email addresses. If you need help to do that, let a mod or admin know :good:
hey, thanks a lot for the information I will get a picture of my fish/eel as soon as I can although I think its going to be pretty tough.... and I'm going to change my user name now.
I know getting pictures of ANY fish is hard; loaches and other catfish even more so, so best of luck with that!

We do really need to see pictures of your actual fish though; else we're just identifying ones from the internet and, whilst they might look identical to you, they might not be biologically the same :)
right right, I agree. if I could upload a video to the forum that would've been great because I took a video of it this morning lol...
Have you noticed a particular food that your loach/eel will come out of hiding for? My Khuli loaches usually cant resisit certain catfish wafers and the like. Once you have conned your fish out into the open or some where that you can get some clear photos because its distracted by food the photo should be easier to get.
In particular try to get close head photos, loaches will have little whiskers around their mouth and the number and placement can help with identification. Also any fins along its back. Eels will generally have one long fin that extends nearly the entire length of the body where as a loach with usually only have a short dorsal fin towards their tail.
It is always possible that some how a "glass eel" or elver got into the tank (possibly via plants collected from the wild) but the likelihood is slim. If by chance your fish does turn out to be an eel, then I can almost guarantee that it will get too big for almost any tank and will become predatory towards any tank mates.

This is a photo of an eel I had some time ago for a short time, notice no whiskers but it does have nostril tubes. This one was over 1ft long and still only young.

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