I have recently acquired a school of 8 giant danios. I plan on breeding them, as well as some boesemanis I have. I have a trio right now of 1 male/2 female for the bosemanis, and the danios I can't sex so I just have them all together. I will use a breeding mop for the danio tank, and for the b oesemanis I will use a sand substrate and some low light plants as deco.
I will be using some crypts as well as java moss and lots of amazon sword. Would a single T8 be enough for the amazon sword and crypts?
Also any tips or how to's on breeding the guys would be awesome. Thanks
I will be using some crypts as well as java moss and lots of amazon sword. Would a single T8 be enough for the amazon sword and crypts?
Also any tips or how to's on breeding the guys would be awesome. Thanks