Easy Life Easy Carbo Ingredients?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I will be receiving a new batch of cherry shrimp tomorrow and I want to put them in my community tank. (I do have a shrimp tank as well anyway). I have a question though, I currently use Easy Life Easy Carbo for my plants in that tank. I have been looking on the internet and cannot find a list of ingredients to see if this might contain copper. Does anyone know? If it does I'd like to undergo a big water change to rid my tank of it before the shrimp are introduced... but like I mentioned, I do have a smaller shrimp tank where they could go in the meantime while they wait.
I am sure it does not contain copper, it's pretty much a prerequisite of aquarium additives to avoid copper in their ingredients. The active ingredient has been discused on here,
and is available via the company's MDS data sheet.
i dont think it does, the active ingredient is galumamte or something like that i cant spell it, but its a cleaning agent, iv used liquid carbon on my shrimp tanks and there fine  
That's good to know. I may stop using it anyway... as I started using it in hopes it would make some algae stop growing... but decided now to expand my shrimp population and move a new lot into there... so they can do the job, instead! (And add fresh blood to my shrimp only tank).

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